
Showing posts from July, 2017


ediet by photoshop


These are mobile app UI by Photoshop Today i make it...

A story of a Medical student

A story of a Medical student which makes me cry!!! --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------ Never in my wildest dreams, I had the thought of studying at Dhaka Medical College. It still seems unbelievable as I didn't even have the money to buy the admission test form. Yes, I had gone through such days. My childhood was poverty stricken. My daily routine was to work in fields with my father by day and go fishing at night. I never had the chance to go for playing like other kids. Survival was our only goal. But I still had the urge to study, I wanted to be something someday. So after working the whole day I'd light a lantern and start studying. Even if my body wanted to rest it took all my willpower to keep going. It seemed to me that studying is a luxury that I can't afford. When I was in class four, my mother died. She suddenly fell sick. A quack doctor treated her. We didn't have the money for her treatment. Back then w...

UI design

  Its a UI design today i make it by Photoshop. 


Its a UI design today i make it by Photoshop. 


to day i design it by adobe rafiqul

graphic design

  today make it..

PTC এর অজানা তথ্য

যারা ইন্টারনেটে আয় নিয়ে  আগ্রহ প্রকাশ তাদের প্রথম পছন্দ পিটিসি . আপনি নির্দিস্ট লিংকে ক্লিক করবেন আর ক্লিকপ্রতি টাকা পাবেন। কোনকিছু জানা প্রয়োজন নেই, কোন দক্ষতা প্রয়োজন নেই।   ইন্টারনেট ভিত্তিক ব্যবসা যারা করেন তারাও আশা করে তাদের কাছে প্রচুর ক্রেতা (ভিজিটর) আসবেন। ভিজিটর বেশি পাওয়ার একটি উপায় সার্চ ইঞ্জিন। তাদের বিষয়ে কোনকিছু সার্চ করলে যদি তাদের নাম সার্চ রেজাল্টে ওপরের দিকে থাকে তাহলে বেশি ভিজিটর পাওয়ার সম্ভাবনা।   কাজেই তাদের প্রথম লক্ষ্য সার্চ রেজাল্টের প্রথম পাতায় যায়গা পাওয়া, তারপর সেখানে ওপরের দিকে থাকা।    যত বেশি মানুষ সার্চ করে কোন সাইট ব্যবহার করে সেই সাইটের নাম ওপরের দিকে এই নিয়মে।  তারা টাকা দিয়ে তাদের বিষয়ে সার্চ করিয়ে সেকানে ক্লিক করানোর ব্যবস্থা করে। কোন প্রতিস্ঠানকে এই দায়িত্ব দেয়া হয়। তারা তাদের সাইটে এমন একটা লিংক (বাটন) তৈরী করে যেখানে ক্লিক করলে তাদের কাজ হবে। তারপর সেই ক্লিক করানোর জন্য টাকা দেয়।   কাজেই ক্লিক করে আপনি টাকা উপার্জন করতে পারেন এতে ভুল নেই। একাজে অর্থ দেয়া হয় দুভাবে, আপনি ...


TAFSEER OF THE QURAN  he Quraan, God’s final book of revelation to man, represents the primary source of the principles which constitute the way of life known as Islam. The passages of the Quran contain advice and guidance in the form of laws, parables, stories, and arguments for those who choose to believe in God and the Day of Judgment. Hence, a believer’s success and happiness in this life and the next largely depend on his understanding, internalization, and application of the concepts contained in the Book. However, the depth of comprehension of the Quran meanings will vary from individual to individual due to natural differences in intelligence. This variation existed even among the sahabah (companions of Prophet Muhammad (r ), in spite of the Quran’s clarity of expression and its revelation in seven different dialects. Moreover, Allah, the Most Wise, chose to place generalities in the Quran, some of which He later explained in its other verses, while som...


HIS CONTRIBUTION IN JOURNALISM:          # Participated in the editing of "Al-Zia ا E " an Arabic paper of Nadwatul Ulama in 1932, and of "An-Nadwa  " an urdu organ in 1940, started bringing out an Urdu paper "Tameer " in 1948 under the auspices of Anjuman Taleemat-e-Islam.       # In 1958-59 took the responsibility of writing the editorials of "Al-Muslimoon ا" published from Cairo. The first editorial of these was published under the caption "Riddatun Wala Ababakarin Laha "   $ (published in English with the Title: The New Menace and it's Answer K &Life Sketch of Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi                                                     ...


HIS LIFE AS A SCHOLAR AND PREACHER:   # Was appointed on the teaching staff of Darul-Uloom Nadwatul-Ulama in July 1934, worked primarily as a teacher of Tafseer (Commentary of the Holy Quran) Hadith (Traditions of the Holy Prophet) and Arabic literature, sometimes taught History and logic too. He went to Bombay in 1935 to invite the Dalit leader Dr. Ambedkar to embrace Islam.  # Undertook a journey in 1939 in order to acquaint himself with the religious and Islamic Missionary centers, and was introduced to Shaikh Abdul Qadir Raipuri and eminent religious reformer Maulana Mohammad Ilyas Kandhalwi. This contact continued with the former's spritiual training and enlightenment and started missionary and reformation work inaccordance with the latter's methods. Undertook many journies in this connection and this continued - with a slight difference of opinion in the method of working - till his mortal sickness in Zilhijja 1419 Hijri corresponding to March, 1999...


B I R T H : #6th Muharram-ul-haram 1333 Hijri (1914A.D.) At Daira -e- Shah Alamullah, Takiya Kalan, Rae Barely, EDUCATION: # His mother started his education with the Holy Quran, which was followed by regular Arabic and Urdu Education. # His father Hakeem Sayyid AbdulHai died in 1341 Hijri (1923 A.D.) when his age was a little more than 9 years. The responsibility of his upbringing and education fell on his mother and his elder brother Mawlana Hakim Dr. Sayid Abdul Ali who was himself studying at that time in a Medical college after completing his education at "Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama and Darul Uloom Deoband"   # Started learning Arabic from Allama Khaleel Arab Ansari Yamani, and in fact completed his education of Arabic language and literature under his guidance and supervision. In 1930 when Allama Taqiuddin Hilali (from Morocco) came to Nadwa Maulana was particularly benefited by him. # Participated with his elder brother Dr. Sayyid Abdul Ali in the N...

Best PTC

eal PTC heare and earn mony...

Best ptc
